Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Chance Game

Using the I Ching how many random photos can be taken in 1 day in the middle of the day.

Watch/ with a alarm clock
Camera/ Phone/ Laptop

Documentation is Key to understanding this Chance Project.

As you go about your daily routine, between the hours of 1pm and 6pm flip a coin.
    If the coin lands on heads, roll a die as many times as the hour number you've chosen and take as many pictures as the corresponding number rolled.

Hold arms out at 90 degrees and snap photo. The purpose is not to be able to see the image that will be captured with the attempt to turn your body 360 degrees.

If the coin lands on tails do nothing for an hour.
At the top of the next hour roll the die as many as the corresponding hour
       If the ratio between the number of rolls is even flip a coin. 
       If coin is heads roll the die 2 more times
       If coin is tails roll the die 1 time. 
       If the ratio is still even do nothing for an hour.

After capturing the photographs use photoshop to create a photo collage.

After playing the chance game, roll the die once. Out of the 6 numbers whatever number you rolled import those many pictures into photoshop. If you roll a 1 disregard steps 2 and 3 of the instructions below.

1. Open new background (White seems to help the images blend better)
2. Copy all imported images onto background. (Drag each file onto the white background creating a new layer.)
3. Arrange photo's on background as desired. (Making sure that the pictures overlap and all the images cover the entire background)
4. Play round with the opacity of each layer of pictures until you produce a blur effect in the pictures.
5. If your using Adobe Photoshop CS5 Use the Rectangular Marque tool to highlight each layer individually then use the eraser tool (2500pixel soft brush) to blend the images
6. After blending the pictures to your desired outcome save and your done. 

On February 26th I was invited out to the park by my boyfriend. I brought my camera because my boyfriend rarely spends time with his little brother so I wanted to capture the moment. As we spent the day playing, at around 2pm I thought about the class project. Setting my alarm clock to 3pm, at the top of 3pm I started the project. I flipped a coin and it came up heads, so as the in instructions I rolled a die 3 times.  The first time the die read 2, the second time  the die read 4, and the third time the die read 1. In all I took a total of  7 pictures. I held the camera at a 90 degree angle, so as not to be able to see the image of the picture to be taken. I took 7 pictures which turned me in a full 360 degree circle and back around 180 degrees. When I was finish taking the pictures I rolled a die one last time and it landed on 4. I imported four randomly placed photographs into photoshop and proceeded through steps 1 through 6 of the collage making process for creating a collage in photoshop.

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